Ive been writing my blog in a notbook as my blog seemed to give up in september so i thought id save time trying to work it an just come back to it nearer th time so here is my very long post about all my work throughout this year so far:
september has been the hardest month for me this year as i had had such a great summer nd i wasnt ready to be back in the u.k. let alone uni. the rirst prject we did i didnt love, i found it hard to work in groups because not everyone's opinions can be used in the work,i got on with my group but i just found it hard to get my ideas across as much as i'd have liked. critical studies this year was so much more interesting than in 1st, i really enjoy it at the moment and find the lectures and seminars interesting,my favorite so far is the marxism one we just had. I did philosophy and ethics in A-level which i think helps me understand the theories.
tailoring processes has got me back on track with work and i really enjoy it, the little workshops we're doing with angie and hugo are so helpful and i will definately use them in future projects. i feel like im working a lot harder since the first project.
enterprise is a new thing this year and i dont think im enjoying it too much, its not difficult or anything i just dont think that subject inerests me much so i find it hard to concentrate but hey, its only once a week!
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Monday, 1 June 2009
the talk about th pathways were really helpful as i thought that the pathways were different to what i got told in the presentation. i ended up choosing pathway b because i wanted to do a more hight street/retail part of fashion and i think i would be better at it than pathway a where you have to be extra creative to make one off pieces. im really excited for next year and to start doing the new modules. the tailoring course sounds really interesting and it will be a good skill to have. im now trying to pick my 15 pieces for my presentation and taking notes on why im choosing them so i can put them all on to here and the disk.
updates since easter
starting work with our 3rd years was a little nerve wracking. i was a bit worried what we would have to do and if they were nice. i think i was lucky! emily was really nice and gave me plenty to do. i collected a lot of things for her in town over th weeks including fabric and other materials. i was also given the responsibility of cutting out patterns in paper and doing some research for packaging and locations in which to advertise.
The interdisciplinary processes project went well and i felt really on top of my work so i didnt need to rush anything. the fabric workshop with angie was really interesting and i made my fabric i was using in my final piece. the tasks we were given over the days in college i thought were helpful as i tend to do more work when im given a target or deadline to work to.
The interdisciplinary processes project went well and i felt really on top of my work so i didnt need to rush anything. the fabric workshop with angie was really interesting and i made my fabric i was using in my final piece. the tasks we were given over the days in college i thought were helpful as i tend to do more work when im given a target or deadline to work to.
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
i got my critical studies essay back the other day,it wasn't a brilliant mark but i passed so im quite pleased about that. im not really any good at essays so it took me a long time to write it and word it in an interesting way. i enjoyed makng my garment more than i ever have in th past because i was up to date with everything else i could just concerntrate on that. i think my garment turned out well and although its not one of the best ones out of our course i was pleased with it! the last few days before hand in are always stressful whether i've done my work or not. its just the stress of making sure you have everything you need and checking its good enough.
Monday, 27 April 2009
easter over
so glad to hand in the fashion art and culture project,having it over easter made it feel like it was dragging on an di got lazy over th holidays so i could have done more,bein ghome for so long just made me forget i was coming back though!i liked my final image though. the next project interdisciplinary processes seems interesting,im not 100% sure where its goin at th moment,but i lik eit that way.its more interesting to do some research on one thing without havin to think all the way to the final piece.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
easter tiiime
im going home tomorow after ive handed in mt critical studies essay.im so awful at writing essays!!i hope its ok! the fashion art and culture project is goin well,i think im pretty much on track. the crit we had last week was really helpful.
Monday, 9 February 2009
nearly th end
the creative design practices project is nearly over and i cant wait to hand it in!it took me a while to get into this project,more than others, but the more ive done, the more ive enjoyed doing it. i need to do lots of photoshop work now and im not that great at it so thats a challenge. The fashion art and culture module is going well and i find it really interesting. i usually get bored after someone talks for a long time but the lectures are really interesting and i seem to be taking a lot of it in. im not sure what my final piece will be yet but im thinkin i'd like to study the flapper girl era as this was one of the subjects that interested me th most.i haven't done a massive amount of resarch yet because of the creative design practices but i can do more over reading week to get a better idea of what i want to make.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
loooong time!
my blog got blocked again!its ridiculous!maybe i need to put more things on...?well my new years resolution is to write on this more so it doesnt block me!the last project i have just finished i enjoyed...partly. the actual pattern cutting and making the garment was so good, i loved being able to know how to do that (even if i did get it wrong a million times!) but the tecnical file was a pain and i think after seeing everone else's at the hand in, mine isnt too good! on the bright side we've started a new project and it seems ok, its taking me a while to get into it but i think its just because its not as practical as the other ones. we have to have an idea for a container and i have chosen ships and boats as ive got some interesting shaped ones. im going to use the shapes of the ships and their sales and structures to base my designs on. i think im really goin to try hard to manage my time better on this project as usually im a bit of a last minute girl, but i'm going to get everything sorted in plenty of time so that i dont have a load of little bits to catch up on at the end.
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