Tuesday, 13 January 2009

loooong time!

my blog got blocked again!its ridiculous!maybe i need to put more things on...?well my new years resolution is to write on this more so it doesnt block me!the last project i have just finished i enjoyed...partly. the actual pattern cutting and making the garment was so good, i loved being able to know how to do that (even if i did get it wrong a million times!) but the tecnical file was a pain and i think after seeing everone else's at the hand in, mine isnt too good! on the bright side we've started a new project and it seems ok, its taking me a while to get into it but i think its just because its not as practical as the other ones. we have to have an idea for a container and i have chosen ships and boats as ive got some interesting shaped ones. im going to use the shapes of the ships and their sales and structures to base my designs on. i think im really goin to try hard to manage my time better on this project as usually im a bit of a last minute girl, but i'm going to get everything sorted in plenty of time so that i dont have a load of little bits to catch up on at the end.